
你是否意识到网络攻击者总是在寻找你公司防御系统中的漏洞? 不要坐等他们的攻击——采取积极的措施来保护你的数据.

LBMC的网络安全团队可以帮助您识别和解决网络中的任何漏洞, systems, and applications. 我们经验丰富的专家执行侵入性渗透测试,满足众多合规标准, 包括支付卡行业数据安全标准(PCI DSS), 或者其他遵从性框架. 我们用明升体育app下载技能来识别弱点, 验证潜在的攻击媒介, exploit vulnerabilities, 并在不影响生产系统的情况下确定环境对攻击的易感性.

作为田纳西州最大的网络安全实践之一, 我们是国内顶尖的渗透测试公司之一. Contact us today to schedule your penetration testing services and stay ahead of cyber-attackers to safeguard your sensitive data.


Investing in cybersecurity resources and performing periodic penetration tests is not enough to protect your organization from evolving threats. 你需要持续的评估和专家指导来保持领先. 这就是Advance Guard的用武之地.

Advance Guard and Advance Guard+ 提供真正的“可信安全顾问”能力. 明升体育app下载技术安全专家与您的团队合作,提供:

  • 持续威胁评估
  • 红队每月活动
  • 年度安全培训和桌面
  • Security Team Extension
  • Custom testing as needed.

With Advance Guard, 你会有一个搭档,他是你安保团队的延伸, 帮助你在潜在的攻击前保持领先. Plus, Advance Guard的客户在其他技术项目上获得10%的折扣, 比如渗透测试, Web和移动应用程序测试, 事件响应服务.

不要等到攻击发生后才采取行动. 投资Advance Guard以加强您的安全态势并保护您的组织免受潜在威胁. 看看时间表样本 每年都有明确的月度任务,看看我们能如何帮助你保持安全.


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LBMC’s external penetration testing services help you to assess the security posture of your internet-facing systems. 通过采用黑客的视角, 我们识别漏洞并提供可操作的建议,以改进您现有的安全措施. 明升体育app下载专家团队利用先进的工具和技术进行全面的评估, 模拟真实世界的攻击场景以识别潜在的威胁.

我们“从外部”执行评估,” with little prior knowledge of your environment and attempt to gain information and identify weaknesses in your security defenses. Then, 我们为您提供宝贵的见解和建议,以提高您的整体安全状况.


  • 在潜在的安全威胁被利用之前识别并解决它们.
  • 超出您所在行业的法规遵从性要求.
  • 提升您的整体安全态势,保护您的品牌声誉.

不要让你的数据安全碰运气. 相信明升体育app下载专家团队,为您提供保护您的业务所需的见解. Contact us 今天来了解更多明升体育app下载的外部渗透测试服务.


如果你想确保你的组织的内部网络是安全的, 你应该考虑LBMC网络安全公司的内部网络渗透测试服务. We use a trusted testing methodology to identify any weaknesses that could potentially be exploited by unauthorized users to gain access to your network.

明升体育app下载过程包括从内部网络连接到一个活动的网络端口, or connecting remotely, 没有任何网络身份验证凭证. This provides the ability to analyze the network from the perspective of an attacker who has already gained access to your internal network through some means of physical exploitation or compromise of remote services. Analyzing the network in this way provides clients with a comprehensive picture of security risks within their private IT environment.

你可能会认为你的组织是安全的,因为你一直专注于保护你的周边, but the reality is that your internal network likely has unaddressed weaknesses that could be exploited by malicious insiders or attackers who have already gained a foothold. LBMC Cybersecurity’s internal network penetration testing services can help you identify and address these risks.

我们可以帮助您了解网络的漏洞,并就如何解决这些漏洞提供建议. Contact us 今天来了解更多明升体育app下载的内部网络渗透测试服务.


如今,无线网络在大多数企业中都是必不可少的. 他们允许人们更灵活地工作, 但也带来了自己的一套需要解决的安全风险. That’s where LBMC comes in – we can help evaluate the security of your wireless networks to make sure that you’re protected against potential threats.

我们通过进行渗透测试和架构设计评审来做到这一点. Basically, 我们将尝试闯入你的网络,看看是否有黑客可以利用的漏洞. 我们还将检查您的网络的整体分段设计,以确保它是尽可能安全的.

明升体育app下载目标是确保您的敏感信息安全可靠, and that nobody is able to gain unauthorized access to your private network environment from your wireless networks. 如果你担心无线网络的安全性, contact us and we’ll be happy to help!

Social Engineering

用假冒网站发送虚假电子邮件, 假扮成试图获取敏感信息的来电者, 到在办公室丢了一个u盘, 我们使用多种技术来评估贵公司对这些常见攻击技术的易感性. This process helps expose practices that create vulnerabilities and helps determine the vigilance and awareness of your personnel.  Our service offerings are:

  • Email Phishing-制作一个定制的电子邮件信息,其中包括一个链接到一个欺骗网站. 然后,我们将把它发送给组织商定的重点受众.
  • Phone Testing (PreTexting) —Posing as a “trusted source” and asking for credentials or call the help desk and attempt to get a password reset.
  • USB Drops—Dropping USB sticks around public areas of facilities to get users to insert them into their computer enabling a back door into the network or install malware.
  • Physical Testing-评估公司的物理安全控制措施,以保护网络和IT资产. 从背身进入办公室到克隆身份徽章,我们提供广泛的选择.

Web-Application Testing

您是否担心您的web应用程序的安全性? At our company, we offer expert Web-Application Testing services to ensure that your application is protected from potential attackers. Our team of experienced professionals uses cutting-edge tools and techniques to identify and address any weaknesses that could be exploited by an attacker.

Our testing methodology includes dynamic application security testing that simulates attacks by an attacker with limited prior knowledge of the environment. 我们采用手动和自动智能模糊测试, access controls, application logic, authentication, 和会话管理测试,以评估您的web应用程序的安全性. 同时坚持OWASP测试方法, 我们使用商业和/或开源web应用程序工具来进行此测试.

为了确保最大的覆盖范围,我们从两个不同的角度进行攻击模拟. First, we simulate an unauthenticated attacker 谁无权访问应用程序. 其次,我们模拟一个基本的或有限的终端用户 authenticated access. This approach allows us to provide you with a clear picture of any security weaknesses that exist in your web application, 以及成功利用的可能性.

如果您想确保web应用程序的安全性, 看看明升体育app下载web应用程序测试服务就知道了. We provide comprehensive testing and analysis to give you peace of mind and protect your business from potential threats.


The aim of our mobile application security assessment service is to identify potential vulnerabilities that can be exploited by attackers and enhance the overall security posture of your in-scope iOS and Android applications.

LBMC’s Cybersecurity team will assess your application’s security by simulating public access from our mobile devices. 我们使用手动和自动测试方法, 包括智能模糊检测, access controls, application logic, authentication, and session management. 同时坚持OWASP移动测试方法, our testing team combines commercial and open-source web application tools with their extensive experience in identifying and exploiting application security weaknesses across various industries. 明升体育app下载评估将提供建议,以提高您的移动应用程序的整体安全性.

Purple Teaming

Purple-teaming is a collaborative effort between a red team (responsible for penetration testing) and a blue team (in charge of network defense) with the common goal of ensuring that an organization’s security controls are functioning effectively. 不幸的是,红蓝团队常常各自为政,各自追求自己的目标. 红队的目标是进入网络, 而蓝队的目标是保护它.

Without purple-teaming, 这两个团队很少合作, 这意味着他们只是在识别漏洞并做出假设. But with a common goal, the teams can test controls in real-time and simulate the types of attack scenarios that an organization is likely to face.

明升体育app下载团队在渗透测试和事件响应方面都有丰富的经验. We will work with your organization to select the appropriate controls to test and determine the expected outcome. 然后,我们将设计一种合适的方法来进行攻击模拟, 测试外部边界的安全控制, cloud environments, and internal controls. 利用明升体育app下载专业知识, we can help your organization ensure that its security controls are effective and that it is prepared to defend against cyber attacks.

View Service Flyer (PDF)


Cloud Penetration Testing

您的企业是否完全防范了基于云的安全威胁? 随着越来越多的公司迁移到基于云的系统, applications, and infrastructure, 确保云环境的安全性至关重要. However, traditional security assessment firms using automated tools may not be equipped to test modern IT infrastructures involving the cloud. 需要一种依靠经验的不同方法, knowledge, 以及识别和优先考虑可能被忽视的安全控制的技术敏锐度, 引入重大风险.

At LBMC Cybersecurity, 我们使用专门的方法和技术对您的IaaS进行全面的云安全评估, PaaS, or SaaS environment. 明升体育app下载专家团队与您一起识别和解决任何安全问题, 为您提供概述潜在漏洞和建议的补救步骤的综合报告.

通过明升体育app下载云渗透测试服务, 您可以相信,您的云环境是安全的,可以防范潜在的安全威胁. We tailor our services to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes and pride ourselves on delivering high-quality, 为每一位客户提供个性化服务. Choose LBMC Cybersecurity for your cloud security assessment needs and gain peace of mind knowing that your business is fully protected against cloud-based security threats.

Executive Team


Drew Hendrickson

Shareholder & 网络安全实践负责人

phone icon email icon Nashville
phone icon email icon Nashville

Bill Dean

Shareholder, Cybersecurity

phone icon email icon Knoxville
phone icon email icon Knoxville

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