



电话: 423-756-6585

办公时间: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. 美国东部时间,Monday-Friday

查塔努加’s strong infrastructure, 劳动力和生活质量吸引了各行各业的移动创业者, 分布 和 运输 companies, 高端办公业务, 食品加工制造.

What services are offered at the 查塔努加 office?

明升体育app下载查塔努加团队在包括制造和分销在内的各种行业工作, 建设, 房地产, 非营利性, 和医疗, 仅举几个例子. We have licensed CPAs 和 other professionals in tax, 审计, 企业估值, 诉讼支持, 医疗保健 consulting 和 compliance, 风险服务, 人力资源, 招聘和更多. We can support all LBMC services in this office. If you are looking for a 查塔努加 CPA, see 明升体育app下载服务清单 如需更多资料,请浏览 明升体育app下载.

LBMC Names 妮可Jeppesen 查塔努加 Market Leader



Promotions Reinforce Firm’s Expertise 和 Focus on Serving Growing Client Base

LBMC, a top accounting 和 business consulting firm in the Southeast 和 nation, 很高兴地宣布 妮可Jeppesen, Shareholder, as leader of the firm’s 查塔努加 market.

Jeppesen于2015年加入LBMC,拥有超过18年的公共会计经验, 专注于高净值个人和家庭的税务合规和规划, their related investment entities 和 trusts, 和 closely held businesses 和ir owners. Prior to taking on the 查塔努加 Market Leader role, Jeppesen served as leader of LBMC’s 查塔努加 tax practice.

The leadership announcement follows the promotions of 史蒂夫。托马森珍妮特的邻居 to Managing Director,  the retirement of 丹尼斯·布兰顿expansion of the LBMC 查塔努加 High Net Worth team 以满足查塔努加市场和整个地区客户不断增长的需求.

LBMC的查塔努加办事处为制造业的中间市场商业客户提供服务 & 分布, 运输, 医疗保健, 还有房地产空间, as well as high net worth families 和 business owners, 其中很多是几代人以前的. In addition to tax 和 审计 advisory services, LBMC’s 查塔努加 office has local professionals specializing in 交易咨询服务 as well as professionals representing LBMC就业伙伴.

“我很荣幸能够进入查塔努加市场领导者的角色,并期待继续建立关系,同时向查塔努加社区宣传LBMC提供的广泛解决方案和服务,杰普森说. “作为客户值得信赖的顾问, 我最喜欢的就是帮助他们解决目前面临的财务问题和规划未来. I am excited to be a part of the momentum in 查塔努加, 与社区的顾问和领导者建立联系,为客户解决问题,并作为该地区发展的合作伙伴.”

作为注册会计师,杰普森持有学士学位.A. 毕业于东密歇根大学,并参加了旧金山州立大学会计和工商管理研究生课程. 在田纳西州住了20年, 杰普森活跃于查塔努加社区,并参与了许多专业和民间组织, 包括Girls Inc. 查塔努加的, The Hunter Museum Chairman’s Circle, The Estate Planning Council 查塔努加的, 查塔努加税务从业人员, 田纳西州注册会计师协会(TSCPA)和查塔努加妇女领导学院(CWLI).

“作为查塔努加税务业务的领导者,拥有无与伦比的经验和强大关系的专家, Nicole has demonstrated her unwavering commitment to our clients, colleagues 和 查塔努加 community. 我们期待看到明升体育app下载查塔努加办事处和LBMC的合作伙伴在她的领导下继续蓬勃发展,首席执行官说。 杰夫·德拉蒙德.

LBMC Names 克里斯蒂娜•爱德华兹 Shareholder




 LBMC, a top accounting 和 business consulting firm in the Southeast 和 nation, 很高兴宣布这个消息吗 克里斯蒂娜•爱德华兹 has been named Shareholder in the firm’s 审计 division. Edwards’ promotion follows the announcement of 妮可Jeppesen as LBMC 查塔努加 Market Leader in 2023, 为公司在查塔努加市场快速增长的客户群提供服务的强大领导团队的补充.

Clients’ 审计ing needs in 2024 are being reshaped by regulatory changes, 技术进步, 和 a heightened focus on corporate transparency. Edwards is well-versed in a spectrum of skills that go beyond number-crunching, something vital for companies as they navigate this complex terrain.

爱德华兹于2007年加入LBMC,拥有21年的经验,为各种行业的公司提供审计服务和财务解决方案, with a focus on manufacturing 和 分布, 服务行业, 私人股本, 非营利性组织, 以及员工福利计划. 她拥有丰富的专业知识,在控制权变更交易和内部控制方面提供咨询服务, with an in-depth underst和ing of complex topics around GAAP 和 GAAS. Edwards has longst和ing relationships across the 查塔努加 business community.

LBMC的查塔努加办事处为制造业的中间市场商业客户提供服务 & 分布, 运输, 房地产, 医疗保健领域, as well as high net worth families 和 business owners. 爱德华兹晋升为股东进一步加强了LBMC不仅对公司现有客户的承诺, but also serving the entire business community across the 查塔努加 market.

注册会计师和中情局, Edwards holds a Master of Accountancy 和 BBA from the University of Tennessee, 查塔努加. She serves on the 会计 咨询 Council of the University of Tennessee, 查塔努加 和 is a Tennessee Society of Public Accountants Council Member. Edwards is a founding Board Member of the LBMC关爱基金会.

“Congratulations to Christina on this outst和ing achievement,” said 吉姆·米德, CEO 和 Managing Shareholder, LBMC PC. “Christina is viewed by her clients as a trusted advisor, 还有她的技术专长, she is the ideal complement to 查塔努加 market leader 妮可Jeppesen. 克里斯蒂娜在公共会计方面的丰富经验,使她对我们面临的问题有了新的看法,她的领导能力和对招聘的承诺, 培训, 培养未来的领导者.”


查塔努加位于田纳西州东部,沿田纳西河与佐治亚州接壤. 查塔努加将“大城市”的便利设施与“小城镇”的舒适生活和友好的居民融合在一起, 住房成本适中,通勤便利,文化和娱乐机会可与大都市媲美. 当不在办公室LBMC员工浸泡在一些查塔努加的令人印象深刻的自然景观,包括令人叹为观止的山景.


坐落在田纳西河畔,周围环绕着壮丽的山景, 查塔努加 offers a unique blend of natural beauty 和 urban charm. 明升体育app下载办公室位于市中心的自由塔大厦,让明升体育app下载团队享受城市生活的便利,同时距离户外探险只有一箭之遥. 从徒步旅行到水上运动, 查塔努加提供了一个完美的背景,补充了我们对专业卓越的奉献精神.


查塔努加 has transformed into a hub for innovation 和 growth, attracting a diverse range of industries. As part of this thriving community, LBMC 查塔努加 is proud to contribute to the city’s economic vibrancy. With a steadfast commitment to providing exceptional professional services, our team plays a vital role in supporting local businesses, 企业家, 组织在应对复杂挑战和抓住新机遇的过程中.


在LBMC查塔努加,明升体育app下载服务远远超出了数字和财务报表. 我们是您成功的伙伴, working closely with you to achieve your business 和 financial goals. Whether you’re in need of expert tax advice, 综合审计服务, 战略企业估值, or specialized 医疗保健 consulting, 明升体育app下载注册会计师团队和专业人士拥有丰富的知识和经验来指导您的每一步.

Experience Excellence in Every Interaction

We believe that excellence should be the st和ard in everything we do. 从你走进明升体育app下载大门的那一刻起直到你的财务问题得到最终解决, you can expect nothing less than top-notch service. 我们对卓越的承诺不仅体现在明升体育app下载行业专业知识上,还体现在我们致力于了解您的独特需求并定制明升体育app下载解决方案以确保您的成功.

Join the Thriving Business Community

查塔努加作为最佳居住地” is a testament to the robust business realm that calls it home. 作为LBMC查塔努加, we take immense pride in being an inseparable part of this tapestry, channeling our talents 和 insights to nurture commercial growth. 无论你是当地的开拓者还是想在查塔努加扎根的公司, 明升体育app下载团队坚定不移地为您提供在这个充满活力的环境中茁壮成长所需的咨询和支持. For deeper insights into working 和 residing in 查塔努加, explore the 查塔努加商会.


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